Stuck In Beirut

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Interrupted vacation in Beirut

I woke up this morning to the news that the Beirut International airport was bombed. The problem for me is that I am in Beirut on vacation. Why you ask? Because I am of Lebanese origin and this is my way to stay connected with my extended family. I come every year, along with Millions of other Lebanese from all over, to enjoy the beaches, the night life and the good food. All my plans came to a screeching halt yesterday when the news came of the attacks on the Israely soldiers in Southern Lebanon by HizbAllah. Israel reacted and now I am wondering if the airport will open in time for me to return to my job.
Opinions vary widely in Lebanon. Some support this courageous act against a sworn enemy and think its a legitimate way to put pressure on Israel to return several fighters it has been holding for over a year. Others condemn it as a foolish act that will only bring destruction and suffering on the civilian population. Did it have to happen this way? Wouldn't a more diplomatic approach work better? Is Israel's reaction justified? Will it bring on more long term issues? When do you cross the limit of self-defense and begin mass punishment?
I don't know the answers to all that. I certainly had nothing to do with the attack, but I am having to explain all the images on TV to my 10-year old son and my 8-year old daughter and having to calm their fears. Thankfully Israel has not yet attacked the power plants, but it is threatening to do just that. That would add another layer of tension and escalation to the situation. Hopefully this will be all over in a couple of days and the Lebanese will be able to go back to pretending that all is well in their beautiful country. The long term issues will remain because no one has the patience nor the will to tackle them and the region will keep falling further and further behind the rest of the world.


  • Hopefully you aren't too close to the airport, and I hope the power stays on.

    Good luck to you and your family!

    By Blogger JBFricks, at 4:41 PM  

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